Legal notice and privacy


Website owner : Black Swan 1899


SNC Black Swan 1899
25 Bd du Montparnasse
75006 Paris – France

Code APE 77.21Z
N° de siret 83404265700017


Edouard Poullain
Contact : +336 77 39 84 62 –


Web et cetera
Contact : – +33628057357
1 sente de la Croix-Rouge
27200 Vernon – France
Website :


OVH SAS au capital de 10 174 560 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 2620Z
Head office : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France


Sources of photos and illustrations used on the website :
Photos ©Nathalie Cauvi et ©Stephane Adam
Adobe Stock. Icônes créées par Eight Black Dots – Flaticon

Use of this site implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. These conditions of use may be amended or supplemented at any time.

The information and documents contained in this site are non-contractual, subject to change without notice and may not incur the liability of the site owner.
The owner of the site cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from access to the site.

Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, for other purposes on any medium whatsoever, is prohibited without the express prior authorisation of the site owner, and would constitute an infringement within the meaning of Articles L 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may incur the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.

Unless otherwise stated, all elements accessible on the site (texts, images, graphics, logos, icons, sounds, software, etc.) remain the exclusive property of their authors, with regard to intellectual property rights or rights of use.
Articles L111-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code of 1 July 1992
Any unauthorised use of the site or of any of the elements it contains is considered to constitute an infringement of copyright.
Article 41 of the Act of 11 March 1957
Article L. 226-13 of the Criminal Code and the European Directive of 24 October 1995

Outgoing links
The owner of the site declines all responsibility and is not committed by the referencing via hypertext links, of third party resources present on the Internet network, as regards both their content and their relevance.
Incoming links
The owner of the site authorises hypertext links to one of the pages of this site, on condition that these open a new window and are presented in an unequivocal manner in order to avoid: any risk of confusion between the citing site and the owner of the site as well as any tendentious presentation, or contrary to the laws in force.
The site owner reserves the right to request the removal of a link if it considers that the source site does not comply with the rules defined above.

All users have the right to access, rectify and object to any personal data concerning them, by sending a written and signed request, accompanied by proof of identity.
The site does not collect personal information and is not subject to declaration to the CNIL.
Article 6 of law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy.
Law no. 78-87 of 6 January 1978, amended by law no. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, relating to information technology, files and freedoms.
Law of 1 July 1998 transposing Directive 96/9 of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases.
Law no. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004